The Pinetree School

The Pinetree School


Curriculum Intent statement for PSHE Intention:

PSHE at the Pinetree School plays a vital role in the health and achievement of our pupils and underpins the curriculum and the school day as a whole. From the arrival of the pupils in the morning, through their timetabled lessons, break and lunch times and dismissal at the end of the day, effective PSHE provision helps to ensure that our pupils are safe and healthy, and that they are positive members of the school community.

PSHE enables our pupils to take responsibility for themselves and increases their independence. Effective PSHE teaching ensures that children and young people can enjoy positive relationships with adults, can feel valued and can feel supported in an environment which encourages them to make good decisions. PSHE provides a setting where the responsible choice is the easy choice.


Pupils in Key Stage 4 receive one specific lesson of PSHE per week, which gives them the opportunity to gain a qualification in the subject should they complete the appropriate amount of written work. Aside from this, every subject across the curriculum will contain elements of PSHE study, through discussion work and understanding how every subject we offer impacts on a person’s life in the widest sense. And this is as true of a Food Technology lesson as it is a conversation in the dining room about what a pupil will be eating for their dinner that evening.

At Key Stage 3, pupils will have access to specific PSHE teaching through the Nurture curriculum and the Learning for Life programme. In this way, pupils are given many opportunities to explore their views and feelings on a wide range of topics, with the overarching aim being to make them as aware as possible of themselves, the world around them and their place in it.